2-36 Seats and RestraintsPassenger SensingSystemThe vehicle has a passengersensing system for the right frontpassenger position. The passengerairbag status indicator will be visibleon the overhead console when thevehicle is started.United StatesCanadaThe words ON and OFF, or thesymbol for on and off, are visibleduring the system check. If you areusing remote start, if equipped, tostart the vehicle from a distance,you may not see the systemcheck. When the system check iscomplete, either the word ON orOFF, or the symbol for on or off, willbe visible. See Passenger AirbagStatus Indicator on page 4‑19.The passenger sensing systemturns off the right front passengerfrontal airbag and seat-mountedside impact airbag under certainconditions. The driver airbags andthe roof-rail airbags are not affectedby the passenger sensing system.The passenger sensing systemworks with sensors that are part ofthe right front passenger seat. Thesensors are designed to detectthe presence of a properly-seatedoccupant and determine if the rightfront passenger frontal airbag andseat‐mounted side impact airbagshould be enabled (may inflate)or not.According to accident statistics,children are safer when properlysecured in a rear seat in the correctchild restraint for their weightand size.We recommend that children besecured in a rear seat, including:an infant or a child riding in arear-facing child restraint; a childriding in a forward-facing child seat;an older child riding in a boosterseat; and children, who are largeenough, using safety belts.A label on the sun visor says,“Never put a rear-facing child seatin the front.” This is because the riskto the rear-facing child is so great,if the airbag deploys.