Driving and Operating 8-47For customers who do not use TOPTIER Detergent Gasoline regularly,one bottle of GM Fuel SystemTreatment PLUS, added to the fueltank at every engine oil change,can help clean deposits from fuelinjectors and intake valves. GM FuelSystem Treatment PLUS is the onlygasoline additive recommended byGeneral Motors. It is available atyour dealer/retailer.Gasolines containing oxygenates,such as ethers and ethanol, andreformulated gasolines might beavailable in your area. Werecommend that you use thesegasolines, if they comply with thespecifications described earlier.However, E85 (85% ethanol) andother fuels containing more than10% ethanol must not be used invehicles that were not designed forthose fuels.Notice: This vehicle was notdesigned for fuel that containsmethanol. Do not use fuelcontaining methanol. It cancorrode metal parts in the fuelsystem and also damage plasticand rubber parts. That damagewould not be covered under thevehicle warranty.Some gasolines that arenot reformulated for lowemissions can contain anoctane-enhancing additive calledmethylcyclopentadienyl manganesetricarbonyl (MMT); ask the attendantwhere you buy gasoline whether thefuel contains MMT. We recommendagainst the use of such gasolines.Fuels containing MMT can reducethe life of spark plugs and theperformance of the emission controlsystem could be affected. Themalfunction indicator lamp mightturn on. If this occurs, return to yourdealer/retailer for service.