Lighting 5-3When the DRL are on, only thelow‐beam headlamps, at a reducedlevel of brightness, will be on. Theheadlamps, taillamps, sidemarker,instrument panel and other lampswill not be on.The headlamps automaticallychange from DRL to the regularheadlamps depending on thedarkness of the surroundings. Theother lamps that come on with theheadlamps will also come on.When it is bright enough outside,the headlamps go off and the DRLcome on.To turn the DRL lamps off or onagain, turn the exterior lampscontrol to the off position and thenrelease. For vehicles first sold inCanada, the DRL lamps cannot beturned off.Automatic HeadlampSystemWhen it is dark enough outside andthe exterior lamps control is in theautomatic position, the headlampscome on automatically. See ExteriorLamp Controls on page 5‑1.The vehicle has a light sensorlocated on top of the instrumentpanel. Make sure it is not covered,or the headlamps will be on whenthey are not needed.The system may also turn on theheadlamps when driving through aparking garage or tunnel.Adaptive ForwardLighting (AFL)For vehicles with Xenon headlamps,the Adaptive Forward LightingSystem (AFL) adjusts theheadlamps to provide greater roadillumination in various drivingconditions.To enable AFL, set the exteriorlamp control to the AUTO position.Moving the control out of the AUTOposition will deactivate the system.AFL will operate when the vehiclespeed is greater than 3 km/h(2 mph). AFL will not operate whenthe transmission is in R (Reverse).AFL is not immediately operableafter starting the vehicle; drivinga short distance is required tocalibrate the AFL. See ExteriorLamp Controls on page 5‑1.Curve LightingThe Xenon light beam pivots basedon the steering wheel position andvehicle speed of at least 10 km/h(6 mph). The headlamps shine at anangle of up to 15 degrees to theright or left of the direction of travel.Motorway LightingIf the vehicle is traveling straightcontinuously at high speeds, thelight beam automatically raisesslightly to increase the headlamprange.