Driving and Operating 8-29Remember: ABS does not changethe time needed to get a foot up tothe brake pedal or always decreasestopping distance. If you get tooclose to the vehicle in front of you,there will not be enough time toapply the brakes if that vehiclesuddenly slows or stops. Alwaysleave enough room up ahead tostop, even with ABS.Using ABSDo not pump the brakes. Just holdthe brake pedal down firmly and letABS work. The ABS pump or motormight be heard operating, and thebrake pedal might be felt to pulsate,but this is normal.Braking in EmergenciesABS allows the driver to steer andbrake at the same time. In manyemergencies, steering can helpmore than even the very bestbraking.Parking BrakeThe vehicle has an Electric ParkingBrake (EPB). The switch for theEPB is in the center console. TheEPB can always be activated, evenif the ignition is OFF. To avoiddraining the battery, do not cyclethe EPB too often without theengine running. The EPB can be leftapplied while the vehicle is parked.The system has a Park BrakeStatus light and a Park BrakeWarning light. See Brake SystemWarning Light on page 4‑23. Thereare also three Driver InformationCenter (DIC) messages. See DriverInformation Center (DIC) onpage 4‑29 for more information. Incase of insufficient electrical power,the EPB cannot be applied orreleased.Before leaving the vehicle, checkthe park brake status lamp to insurethe park brake is applied.