Driving and Operating 8-19If the transmitter is not inthe vehicle or something isinterfering with the transmitter,the Driver Information Center(DIC) will display No RemoteDetected. See Driver InformationCenter (DIC) on page 4‑29 formore information.If the battery in the keylessaccess transmitter needsreplacing, the DIC displaysReplace Battery In Remote Key.The vehicle can still be driven.See Remote Keyless Entry(RKE) System Operation onpage 1‑3 for more information.3. Do not race the engineimmediately after starting it.Operate the engine andtransmission gently until the oilwarms up and lubricates allmoving parts.4. If the engine does not start andno DIC message is displayed,wait 15 seconds before tryingagain to let the cranking motorcool down.If the engine does not startafter 5-10 seconds, especiallyin very cold weather (below−18°C or 0°F), it could beflooded with too much gasoline.Try pushing the acceleratorpedal all the way to the floorwhile cranking for up to15 seconds.Notice: Cranking the engine forlong periods of time, by pressingthe START button immediatelyafter cranking has ended, canoverheat and damage thecranking motor, and drain thebattery. Wait at least 15 secondsbetween each try, to allow thecranking motor to cool down.When the engine starts, let go of theaccelerator. If the vehicle startsbriefly but then stops again, do thesame thing. This clears the extragasoline from the engine.The vehicle has aComputer-Controlled CrankingSystem. This feature assists instarting the engine and protectscomponents. Once cranking hasbeen initiated, the engine continuescranking for a few seconds or untilthe vehicle starts. If the engine doesnot start, cranking automaticallystops after 15 seconds to preventcranking motor damage. To preventgear damage, this system alsoprevents cranking if the engine isalready running.Notice: The engine is designed towork with the electronics in thevehicle. If you add electrical partsor accessories, you could changethe way the engine operates.Before adding electricalequipment, check with yourdealer/retailer. If you do not, theengine might not performproperly. Any resulting damagewould not be covered by thevehicle warranty.