6-18 Infotainment SystemXM Not Available: If this messagedoes not clear within a shortperiod of time, the receiver couldhave a fault. Consult with yourdealer/retailer.Radio ReceptionFrequency interference and staticcan occur during normal radioreception if items such as cell phonechargers, vehicle convenienceaccessories, and external electronicdevices are plugged into theaccessory power outlet. If there isinterference or static, unplug theitem from the accessory poweroutlet.FMFM signals only reach about 16 to65 km (10 to 40 miles). Although theradio has a built-in electronic circuitthat automatically works to reduceinterference, some static can occur,especially around tall buildings orhills, causing the sound to fade inand out.AMThe range for most AM stations isgreater than for FM, especially atnight. The longer range can causestation frequencies to interfere witheach other. Static can occur whenthings like storms and power linesinterfere with radio reception. Whenthis happens, try reducing the trebleon the radio.XM™ Satellite Radio ServiceXM Satellite Radio Service givesdigital radio reception fromcoast-to-coast in the 48 contiguousUnited States, and in Canada. Justas with FM, tall buildings or hills caninterfere with satellite radio signals,causing the sound to fade in andout. In addition, traveling or standingunder heavy foliage, bridges,garages, or tunnels may cause lossof the XM signal for a period of time.Cellular Phone UsageCellular phone usage can causeinterference with the vehicle's radio.Multi-Band AntennaThe multi-band antenna is locatedon the roof of the vehicle. Theantenna is used for the AM/FMradio, OnStar, the XM SatelliteRadio Service System, and GPS(Global Positioning System); if thevehicle has these features. Keepthe antenna clear of obstructionsfor clear reception. If the vehiclehas a sunroof and it is open, theperformance of the AM/FM radio,OnStar, XM system, and GPS canbe affected.