Infotainment System 6-25Mass StorageMedia (MEM)Infotainment systems with MEMstorage are able to record up to1.1 GB (gigabyte) of music fromAudio CDs, MP3/WMA/AAC discs,and USB storage devices. The MEMplayer can also time shift audio fromAM, FM, and XM™ radio.Music or content that is storedin MEM that you did not create,or have the right to distribute, mustbe deleted before the sale or end ofthe lease of the vehicle.Control ButtonsThe buttons used to control theMEM player are:MEM/DVD/AUX: Press to selectthe MEM player.l SEEK/ g SEEK: Press toselect tracks or to fast forward orrewind within a track.INFO: Press to display additionalinformation about the MEM trackthat may be available. Turn to selecttracks.k : Press to pause the trackcurrently playing, press again toresume playback.O REC: Press to record musicfrom a CD or USB drive.DEL: Press to delete the currenttrack from MEM.FAV (Favorites): Press to displayMEM favorites.1 to 6: Press to select a track orplaylist stored in that numericposition.Recording From Audio CDsThe infotainment system can recordthe current song playing or all songsfrom an audio CD to MEM. A statusbar appears on the top of thedisplay when the recording processstarts and disappears when theprocess has ended. Copy protectedCDs cannot be recorded to MEM.Recording to MEMPress O REC, then select “RecordCurrent Song” or “Record All Songson Disc”. If the track has startedplaying, the system will restart thetrack and begin recording from thebeginning of the track. When thesong recording is completed, themessage “Song Recorded to MEM”displays, and there may be a slightpause.Songs recorded to MEM are storedas the current date, disc and tracknumber.Re-recording a PreviouslyRecorded DiscIf the disc or track has already beenrecorded to MEM, the message“The Song(s) is Already Recorded”displays.