Driving and Operating 8-21Leaving the Vehicle Withthe Engine Running{ WARNINGIt can be dangerous to leave thevehicle with the engine running.The vehicle could move suddenlyif the shift lever is not fully inP (Park) with the parking brakefirmly set. And, if you leave thevehicle with the engine running, itcould overheat and even catchfire. You or others could beinjured. Do not leave the vehiclewith the engine running.If you have to leave the vehiclewith the engine running, be surethe vehicle is in P (Park) and theparking brake is firmly set beforeyou leave it. After you have movedthe shift lever into P (Park), holddown the regular brake pedal.See if you can move the shift leveraway from P (Park) without firstpulling it toward you. If you can, itmeans that the shift lever was notfully locked into P (Park).Torque LockTorque lock is when the weightof the vehicle puts too muchforce on the parking pawl in thetransmission. This happens whenparking on a hill and shifting thetransmission into P (Park) is notdone properly and then it is difficultto shift out of P (Park). To preventtorque lock, set the parking brakeand then shift into P (Park). To findout how, see "Shifting Into P (Park)"listed previously.If torque lock does occur, yourvehicle may need to be pusheduphill by another vehicle to relievethe parking pawl pressure, so youcan shift out of P (Park).Shifting Out of ParkThis vehicle is equipped with anelectronic shift lock release system.The shift lock release is designed toprevent movement of the shift leverout of P (Park), unless the ignition isin ON/RUN or ACC/ACCESSORYand the brake pedal is appliedThe shift lock release is alwaysfunctional except in the case of anuncharged or low voltage (less than9 volt) battery.If the vehicle has an unchargedbattery or a battery with low voltage,try charging or jump starting thebattery. See Jump Starting onpage 9‑101.To shift out of P (Park):1. Apply the brake pedal.2. Press the shift lever button.3. Move the shift lever to thedesired position.