1-20 Keys, Doors and WindowsIf the ignition modes will not changewith the other transmitter, yourvehicle needs service. If the ignitiondoes change modes, the firsttransmitter may be faulty. See yourdealer/retailer who can service thetheft-deterrent system and have anew keyless entry transmitterprogrammed to the vehicle.It is possible for the immobilizersystem to learn new or replacementkeyless entry transmitters. Up toeight keyless entry transmitters canbe programmed for the vehicle. Toprogram additional transmitters, see“Programming Transmitters to theVehicle” Remote Keyless Entry(RKE) System Operation onpage 1‑3.Do not leave the key or device thatdisarms or deactivates the theftdeterrent system in the vehicle.Exterior MirrorsConvex Mirrors{ WARNINGA convex mirror can make things,like other vehicles, look fartheraway than they really are. If youcut too sharply into the right lane,you could hit a vehicle on theright. Check the inside mirror orglance over your shoulder beforechanging lanes.The passenger side mirror is convexshaped. A convex mirror's surface iscurved so more can be seen fromthe driver seat.Power MirrorsControls for the outside powermirrors are located on thedriver door.To adjust the mirror:1. Move the selector switch toL (left) or R (right) to choose thedriver or passenger mirror.2. Press the arrows on the controlpad to move each mirror to thedesired direction.