Driving and Operating 8-45The VIN is at the top left of theinstrument panel. See VehicleIdentification Number (VIN) onpage 11‑1.Recommended FuelIf the vehicle has the 3.0L V6 engine(VIN Code Y), use regular unleadedgasoline with a posted octane ratingof 87 or higher. If the octane ratingis less than 87, an audible knockingnoise, commonly referred to asspark knock, might be heard whendriving. If this occurs, use agasoline rated at 87 octane orhigher as soon as possible. If heavyknocking is heard when usinggasoline rated at 87 octane orhigher, the engine needs service.If the vehicle has the 2.8L V6 engine(VIN Code 4), use premiumunleaded gasoline with a postedoctane rating of 91 or higher. Forbest performance, use premiumunleaded gasoline with a postedoctane rating of 93. In anemergency, you can use regularunleaded gasoline with an octanerating of 87 or higher. If 87 octanefuel is used, do not perform anyaggressive driving maneuvers suchas wide open throttle applications.You might also hear audible sparkknock during acceleration. Refill thetank with premium fuel as soon aspossible to avoid damaging theengine. If heavy knocking is heardwhen using gasoline rated at91octane or higher, the engineneeds service.Gasoline SpecificationsAt a minimum, gasoline shouldmeet ASTM specification D 4814in the United States or CAN/CGSB‐3.5 or 3.511 in Canada.Some gasolines contain anoctane-enhancing additive calledmethylcyclopentadienyl manganesetricarbonyl (MMT). We recommendagainst the use of gasolinescontaining MMT. See Fuel Additiveson page 8‑46 for additionalinformation.