Vehicle Care 9-113At least every spring, flush thesematerials from the underbody withplain water. Clean any areas wheremud and debris can collect. Dirtpacked in close areas of the frameshould be loosened before beingflushed. Your dealer/retailer or anunderbody car washing system cando this.Chemical Paint SpottingSome weather and atmosphericconditions can create a chemicalfallout. Airborne pollutants can fallupon and attack painted surfaces onthe vehicle. This damage can taketwo forms: blotchy, ring-shapeddiscolorations, and small, irregulardark spots etched into the paintsurface.Interior CareThe vehicle's interior will continue tolook its best if it is cleaned often.Dust and dirt can accumulate on theupholstery and cause damage tothe carpet, fabric, leather, andplastic surfaces. Stains should beremoved quickly as extreme heatcould cause them to set rapidly.Lighter colored interiors mayrequire more frequent cleaning.Newspapers and garments that cantransfer color to home furnishingscan also transfer color to thevehicle's interior.Remove dust from small buttonsand knobs with a small brush withsoft bristles.Your dealer/retailer has products forcleaning the vehicle's interior. Whencleaning the vehicle's interior, onlyuse cleaners specifically designedfor the surfaces that are beingcleaned. Permanent damage canresult from using cleaners onsurfaces for which they were notintended. Apply the cleaner directlyto the cleaning cloth to preventover-spray. Remove any accidentalover-spray from other surfacesimmediately.Notice: Using abrasive cleanerswhen cleaning glass surfaces onthe vehicle, could scratch theglass and/or cause damage to therear window defogger. Whencleaning the glass on the vehicle,use only a soft cloth and glasscleaner.Cleaners can contain solvents thatcan become concentrated in thevehicle's interior. Before usingcleaners, read and adhere to allsafety instructions on the label.While cleaning the vehicle's interior,maintain adequate ventilation byopening the vehicle's doors andwindows.