Seats and Restraints 2-41Adding Equipment to theAirbag-Equipped VehicleQ: Is there anything I might addto or change about the vehiclethat could keep the airbagsfrom working properly?A: Yes. If you add things thatchange the vehicle's frame,bumper system, height, front endor side sheet metal, they maykeep the airbag system fromworking properly. Changing ormoving any parts of the frontseats, safety belts, the airbagsensing and diagnostic module,steering wheel, instrumentpanel, roof-rail airbag modules,ceiling headliner or pillar garnishtrim, overhead console, frontsensors, side impact sensors,rollover sensor module, airbagwiring, or cargo restraint systemand convenience net can affectthe operation of the airbagsystem.In addition, the vehicle has apassenger sensing systemfor the right front passengerposition, which includes sensorsthat are part of the passengerseat. The passenger sensingsystem may not operateproperly if the original seattrim is replaced with non-GMcovers, upholstery or trim,or with GM covers, upholsteryor trim designed for a differentvehicle. Any object, such asan aftermarket seat heater ora comfort enhancing pad ordevice, installed under or on topof the seat fabric, could alsointerfere with the operation ofthe passenger sensing system.This could either prevent properdeployment of the passengerairbag(s) or prevent thepassenger sensing systemfrom properly turning off thepassenger airbag(s). SeePassenger Sensing System onpage 2‑36.If you have questions, callCustomer Assistance. Thephone numbers and addressesfor Customer Assistance arein Step Two of the CustomerSatisfaction Procedure inthis manual. See CustomerSatisfaction Procedure onpage 12‑1.If the vehicle has rolloverroof-rail airbags, see DifferentSize Tires and Wheels onpage 9‑70 for additionalimportant information.