1-6 Keys, Doors and WindowsKeyless Liftgate OpeningPress the touch pad on the liftgatehandle to open the liftgate if thekeyless entry transmitter is withinrange.Programming Transmitters tothe VehicleOnly keyless entry transmittersprogrammed to the vehicle willwork. If a transmitter is lost orstolen, a replacement can bepurchased and programmed throughyour dealer/retailer. The vehicle canbe reprogrammed so that lost orstolen transmitters no longer work.Each vehicle can have up toeight transmitters matched to it.Programming with a RecognizedTransmitter (Keyless AccessVehicles Only)A new transmitter can beprogrammed to the vehicle whenthere is one recognized transmitter.To program, the vehicle must be offand all of the transmitters, bothcurrently recognized and new, mustbe with you.1. Place the recognizedtransmitter(s) in the cupholder.2. Insert the vehicle key of the newtransmitter into the key lockcylinder located on the outsideof the driver door and turn thekey to the unlock positionfive times within ten seconds.The Driver Information Center(DIC) displays “Ready To LearnElectronic Key #2, 3, 4, etc”.3. Place the new transmitter intothe transmitter pocket. Thetransmitter pocket is inside thecenter console storage arealocated between the driver andfront passenger seats. Thestorage area will need to beopened and the storage traylifted up to access thetransmitter pocket.