Seats and Restraints 2-595. To tighten the belt, push downon the child restraint, pull theshoulder portion of the belt totighten the lap portion of the beltand feed the shoulder belt backinto the retractor. When installinga forward-facing child restraint,it may be helpful to use yourknee to push down on the childrestraint as you tighten the belt.6. If the child restraint has a toptether, follow the child restraintmanufacturer's instructionsregarding the use of the toptether. See Lower Anchors andTethers for Children (LATCHSystem) on page 2‑52 for moreinformation.7. Push and pull the child restraintin different directions to be sureit is secure.To remove the child restraint,unbuckle the vehicle safety belt andlet it return to the stowed position.If the top tether is attached to a toptether anchor, disconnect it.Securing Child Restraints(Front Passenger Seat)This vehicle has airbags. A rearseat is a safer place to secure aforward-facing child restraint. SeeWhere to Put the Restraint onpage 2‑50.In addition, the vehicle has apassenger sensing system which isdesigned to turn off the right frontpassenger frontal airbag undercertain conditions. See PassengerSensing System on page 2‑36 andPassenger Airbag Status Indicatoron page 4‑19 for more information,including important safetyinformation.