Infotainment System 6-47When a CD or DVD audio disc isplaying, press PROG to go to thebeginning of the disc or display discinfo. If the front seat passengers arelistening to a disc, this function maybe inactive on some radios.When a disc is playing in the CDor DVD changer, press and holdPROG to select the next disc,if multiple discs are loaded. If thefront seat passengers are listeningto a disc, this function may beinactive on some radios.The PROG button may be usedto access the menu of an MP3.Once in the menu, use © or ¨ tomake selections.When a DVD video menu isdisplayed, press PROG, or pressand hold PROG to perform themenu function, ENTER.PhoneBluetooth (Overview)Vehicles with a Bluetooth systemcan use a Bluetooth capable cellphone with a Hands Free Profileto make and receive phone calls.The infotainment system andvoice recognition are used tocontrol the system. The systemcan be used while in ON/RUN orACC/ACCESSORY. The range ofthe Bluetooth system can be up to9.1 m (30 ft). Not all phones supportall functions and not all phones workwith the Bluetooth system. for moreinformation about compatiblephones.Bluetooth ControlsUse the buttons located on theinfotainment system and thesteering wheel to operate theBluetooth system.Steering Wheel Controlsb / g (Push To Talk) : Press toanswer incoming calls, to confirmsystem information, and to startvoice recognition.c / $ (End Call / Mute): Press toend a call, reject a call, or to cancelan operation.Infotainment System ControlsFor information about how tonavigate the menu system using theinfotainment controls, see Operationon page 6‑7.PHONE: Press to enter the Phonemain menu.