Driving and Operating 8-31EPB release may take a longerperiod of time than normal whenthis light is on. Continue to hold theswitch until the park brake statuslight is off. If the light is on, see yourdealer/retailer.Notice: Driving with the parkingbrake on can overheat the brakesystem and cause prematurewear or damage to brake systemparts. Make sure that the parkingbrake is fully released and thebrake warning light is off beforedriving.Automatic EPB ReleaseThe EPB will automatically releaseif the vehicle is running, placed intogear and an attempt is made todrive away. Avoid rapid accelerationwhen the EPB is applied, topreserve park brake lining life.If you are towing a trailer andparking on a hill, see DrivingCharacteristics and Towing Tips onpage 8‑50 for more information.Brake AssistThis vehicle has a brake assistfeature designed to assist the driverin stopping or decreasing vehiclespeed in emergency drivingconditions. This feature uses thestability system hydraulic brakecontrol module to supplement thepower brake system underconditions where the driver hasquickly and forcefully applied thebrake pedal in an attempt to quicklystop or slow down the vehicle. Thestability system hydraulic brakecontrol module increases brakepressure at each corner of thevehicle until the ABS activates.Minor brake pedal pulsations orpedal movement during this time isnormal and the driver shouldcontinue to apply the brake pedalas the driving situation dictates.The brake assist feature willautomatically disengage when thebrake pedal is released or brakepedal pressure is quicklydecreased.Hill Start Assist (HSA)This vehicle has a Hill Start Assist(HSA) feature, which may be usefulwhen the vehicle is stopped on agrade. This feature is designed toprevent the vehicle from rolling,either forward or rearward, duringvehicle drive off. After drivercompletely stops and holds thevehicle in a complete standstill on agrade, HSA will be automaticallyactivated. During the transitionperiod between when the driverreleases the brake pedal and startsto accelerate to drive off on a grade,HSA holds the braking pressure toensure that there is no rolling back.The brakes will automaticallyrelease when the accelerator pedalis applied within the two secondwindow. It will not activate if thevehicle is in a drive gear and facingdownhill or if the vehicle is facinguphill and in R (Reverse).