158 INFOTAINMENT SYSTEMTo delete a recording, go to theRecorded Sessions menu and touch znext to the item. See “RecordedSessions” later in this section.If no SD card is inserted, a messagedisplays.Define Finish LineTo track and record the vehicle’s laptimes, the starting point of a lap mustbe set. Crossing this point activatesthe lap timer when recording.To set the finish line, position thevehicle with the front bumper at thestart/finish point. From the PDRmenu, touch Define Finish Line andthen touch Mark Finish Line. This canbe done with the vehicle moving.Recorded SessionsTo view recorded videos, touchRecorded Sessions.A list of recordings displays.Select the recording to start playback.Touch z next to an item to deletethat recording. Touch Yes to delete orNo to cancel on the confirmationscreen. Touch Dismiss to exit.Video playback is not allowed whilethe vehicle is in motion.Tap on the screen while the video isplaying to display the video controls:Video Scrubber : Changes theposition and playback. The length ofthe bar corresponds to the time of thevideo. Advance or rewind the video bydragging along the bar.Delete Recording : Touch to deletethe video. A confirmation screendisplays. Touch Yes to delete or No tocancel.