CLIMATE CONTROLS 171Move the slats (2) to change thedirection of the airflow.Additional air vents are beneath thewindshield and the driver andpassenger door windows. These arefixed and cannot be adjusted.Operation Tips. Clear away any ice, snow, or leavesfrom air inlets at the base of thewindshield that could block theflow of air into the vehicle.. Clear snow off the hood toimprove visibilty and helpdecrease moisture drawn into thevehicle.. Keep the path under the frontseats clear of objects to helpcirculate the air inside the vehiclemore effectively.. Use of non-GM approved hooddeflectors can adversely affect theperformance of the system. Checkwith your dealer before addingequipment to the outside of thevehicle.. Do not attach any devices to theair vent slats. This restricts airflowand may cause damage to the airvents.MaintenancePassenger CompartmentAir FilterThe filter reduces dust, pollen, andother airborne irritants from outsideair that is pulled into the vehicle. Thefilter should be replaced as part ofroutine scheduled maintenance. SeeMaintenance Schedule 0 334.See your dealer regarding replacementof the filter.ServiceAll vehicles have a label underhoodthat identifies the refrigerant used inthe vehicle. The refrigerant systemshould only be serviced by trained andcertified technicians. The airconditioning evaporator should neverbe repaired or replaced by one from asalvage vehicle. It should only bereplaced by a new evaporator toensure proper and safe operation.