VEHICLE CARE 263Engine Air Cleaner/FilterThe engine air cleaner/filter is in theengine compartment on the driverside of the vehicle. See EngineCompartment Overview 0 253 forlocation.When to Inspect the Engine AirCleaner/FilterFor intervals on changing andinspecting the engine air cleaner/filter,see Maintenance Schedule 0 334.How to Inspect the Engine AirCleaner/FilterDo not start the engine or have theengine running with the engine aircleaner/filter housing open. Beforeremoving the engine air cleaner/filter,make sure that the engine air cleaner/filter housing and nearby componentsare free of dirt and debris. Remove theengine air cleaner/filter. Lightly tapand shake the engine air cleaner/filter(away from the vehicle), to releaseloose dust and dirt. Inspect the engineair cleaner/filter for damage, andreplace if damaged. Do not clean theengine air cleaner/filter orcomponents with water orcompressed air.To inspect or replace the air cleaner/filter:2.0L L4 Engine (LTG) Shown, 3.6LV6 Engine (LGX) Similar1. Remove the four screws and liftthe cover out of the assembly.2. Inspect or replace the engine aircleaner/filter.3. Lower the cover and secure withthe four screws.3.6L V6 Twin Turbo Engine (LF4)1. Remove the six screws and liftthe cover out of the assembly.2. Inspect or replace the engine aircleaner/filters. The filters can beremoved from the top cover bypressing the buttons.3. Lower the cover and secure withthe six screws.{ WarningOperating the engine with the aircleaner/filter off can cause you orothers to be burned. The air cleaner(Continued)