168 CLIMATE CONTROLSIf on is selected, or any other buttonpress occurs, the climate controlsystem will turn on and operate to thecurrent setting. The temperaturecontrol and air delivery mode can stillbe adjusted.w or x : The temperature can beadjusted separately for the driver andthe passenger. Press to increase ordecrease the temperature. Press andhold to rapidly increase or decreasethe temperature. The driver andpassenger temperatures can also beadjusted by touching the controls onthe climate control display.SYNC : Touch SYNC on the climatecontrol display to link all climate zonesettings to the driver settings. Adjustthe driver side temperature control tochange the linked temperature. Whenthe passenger settings are adjusted,the SYNC button is displayed whenthe temperatures are unlinked.Manual Operationz 9 or 9 y : Press or touch thefan controls on the center stack or theclimate control display to increase ordecrease the fan speed. Press and holdthe controls to adjust speed morequickly. The fan speed settingdisplays. Pressing either buttoncancels automatic fan control and thefan can be controlled manually. PressAUTO to return to automaticoperation. To turn off the fan andclimate control system, press and holdthe fan down button on the centerstack or the climate control displayuntil it is off.Air Delivery Mode Control : Touchthe air delivery mode on the climatecontrol display to change the directionof the airflow. The selected airdelivery mode control is lit. Pressingany of the air delivery controls cancelsautomatic air delivery control and thedirection of the airflow can becontrolled manually. Press AUTO toreturn to automatic operation.To change the current mode, selectone of the following:Y : Air is directed to the instrumentpanel outlets.\ : Air is divided between theinstrument panel outlets and the flooroutlets.[ : Air is directed to the flooroutlets, with some air to thewindshield and side windows.- : Clears the windows of fog ormoisture. Air is directed to thewindshield, side windows, and flooroutlets. Some air may go to the rearfloor outlets.0 : Press 0 to turn defrost on oroff. This clears the windshield of fogor frost more quickly. Air is directed tothe windshield and side windows.A/C Mode : Touch A/C Mode on theclimate control display to turn theautomatic air conditioning on or off.If the fan is turned off, the airconditioner will not run. Outsidetemperatures below freezing may alsoprevent the air conditioner fromrunning.Press AUTO to return to automaticoperation and the air conditioner runsas needed.Automatic Air Recirculation : Whenthe AUTO indicator light is on, the airis automatically recirculated asneeded to help quickly cool the insideof the vehicle.