218 DRIVING AND OPERATINGJ : Press to turn the system on andoff. A white cruise control indicatorappears in the instrument clusterwhen cruise is turned on.+RES : If there is a set speed inmemory, press the control up brieflyto resume that speed or hold toaccelerate. If cruise control is alreadyactive, use to increase vehicle speed.To increase speed by 1 km/h (1 mph),press +RES up to the first detent. Toincrease speed to the next 5 km/h(5 mph) mark on the speedometer,press +RES up to the second detent.SET− : Press the control down brieflyto set the speed and activate cruisecontrol. If cruise control is alreadyactive, use to decrease vehicle speed.To decrease speed by 1 km/h (1 mph),press SET− down to the first detent.To decrease speed to the next 5 km/h(5 mph) mark on the speedometer,press SET− down to the second detent.* : Press to disengage cruise controlwithout erasing the set speed frommemory.Setting Cruise ControlIf J is on when not in use, SET− or+RES could get bumped and go intocruise when not desired. Keep J offwhen cruise is not being used.1. Press J.2. Get up to the desired speed.3. Press and release SET−.4. Remove your foot from theaccelerator.When the cruise control has been setto the desired speed, the cruisecontrol indicator appears green on theinstrument cluster and a cruise setspeed message appears on theHead-Up Display (HUD), if equipped.Resuming a Set SpeedIf the cruise control is set at a desiredspeed and then the brakes are appliedor * is pressed, the cruise control isdisengaged without erasing the setspeed from memory.Once the vehicle speed reaches about40 km/h (25 mph) or more, brieflypress +RES up to the first detent. Thevehicle returns to the previous setspeed.Increasing Speed While CruiseControl is at a Set SpeedIf the cruise control system is alreadyactivated:. Press and hold +RES up until thedesired speed is reached, thenrelease it.. To increase vehicle speed in smallincrements, briefly press +RES upto the first detent. For each press,the vehicle goes about 1 km/h(1 mph) faster.