200 DRIVING AND OPERATINGIf the brake remains applied, thetransmission will downshift until3 (Third) gear is reached. If the brakeis released for some time, thetransmission will upshift a gear. If theroad levels out and the acceleratorpedal is pressed, the transmission willupshift until the appropriate gear isreached.Manual ModeDriver Shift Control (DSC)CautionDriving with the engine at a highrpm without upshifting while usingDriver Shift Control (DSC), coulddamage the vehicle. Always upshiftwhen necessary while using DSC.Vehicles with DSC may either use theshift lever or the tap shift controls onthe back of the steering wheel (ifequipped) to manually shift theautomatic transmission.To use DSC using the shift lever:1. Move the shift lever to the leftfrom D (Drive) to M (ManualMode). The transmission will bein Manual Mode and will holdthe current gear.2. Move the shift lever forward toupshift or rearward to downshift.3. To cancel DSC, move the shiftlever back to D (Drive).Tap ShiftIf equipped, the tap shift controls areon the back of the steering wheel.To use DSC using the tap shiftcontrols:1. Move the shift lever to the leftfrom D (Drive) to M (ManualMode). The transmission will bein Manual Mode and will holdthe current gear.2. Pull the control toward you toshift. Pull the left control to(−) downshift, and the rightcontrol to (+) upshift. To shift tothe lowest available gear, pressand hold the left control (−).