180 DRIVING AND OPERATING2. Repeatedly apply the brakes from100 km/h (60 mph) to 25 km/h(15 mph) while decelerating at0.8 g. This is a hard brakeapplication, without activatingthe Antilock Brake System (ABS).Drive for at least 1 km (0.6 mi)between stops. Repeat until thebrake pedal travel starts toincrease. Depending onconditions, this should take nolonger than 25 brakeapplications.3. Cool down: Drive at 100 km/h(60 mph) for approximately15 km (10 mi) without using thebrakes.4. Apply the brakes 25 times from100 km/h (60 mph) to 50 km/h(30 mph) while decelerating at0.4 g. This is a medium brakeapplication. Drive for at least1 km (0.6 mi) betweenapplications.Axle FluidAxles must have 805 km (500 mi)before being used in track driving.The front, if equipped with AWD, andrear axle fluid temperatures may behigher than when driving in severeconditions. Drain and refill with newfluid after the first racing orcompetitive driving event, and thenafter every 24 hours of racing orcompetitive driving. See RecommendedFluids and Lubricants 0 344.CautionDuring a first time track or racingevent, high axle temperatures canoccur. Damage could be caused tothe axle and would not be coveredby the vehicle warranty. Do notdrive as long or as fast the firsttime the vehicle is driven on thetrack or raced.. The axle lubricant should bereplaced with new lubricant.. Additional cooling capacity is alsorequired for continuouscompetitive driving.Track BatteryIf equipped, this is a lightweight, lowpower battery for track use only.Remove after each event.Only use this battery whentemperatures are above freezing.Store in a cool, dry location. Chargeperiodically to keep the state of chargefrom getting too low. A battery tendercan be used.When installing or removing the trackbattery, steps must be followed tocalibrate the electronic throttlecontrol. See Battery - North America0 272.Wheel Alignment (V-Series Only)Wheel alignment suggested specs fortrack use:. Front: -2.0 deg camber, 0.2 degtotal toe. Rear: -1.7 deg camber, 0.2 degtotal toe