216 DRIVING AND OPERATINGManual Transmissions. The clutch is pressed and thevehicle is in 1 (First) gear.. The accelerator pedal is rapidlyapplied to wide open throttle.The Launch Control feature willinitially limit engine speed as thedriver rapidly applies the acceleratorpedal to wide open throttle. Allow theengine rpm to stabilize. A smooth,quick release of the clutch, whilemaintaining the fully pressedaccelerator pedal, will manage wheelslip. Complete shifts as described inManual Transmission 0 201.Automatic Transmissions. The brake pedal must be firmlypressed to the floor, equivalent toa panic brake event.. The accelerator pedal is rapidlyapplied to wide open throttle. (Ifthe vehicle rolls due to wide openthrottle, release the throttle, pressthe brake pedal more firmly, andre-apply the accelerator to wideopen throttle.)The Launch Control feature willinitially limit engine speed as thedriver rapidly applies the acceleratorpedal to wide open throttle. Allow theengine rpm to stabilize. A smooth,quick release of the brake pedal, whilemaintaining the fully pressedaccelerator pedal, will managewheel slip.After the vehicle is launched, thesystem continues in PerformanceTraction Management (V-Series).Competitive Driving Mode, PTM, andLaunch Control are systems designedfor a closed course race track and notintended for use on public roads. Thesystems are not intended tocompensate for lack of driverexperience or familiarity with the racetrack.Limited-Slip Rear Axle(Except V-Series)If equipped, the mechanicallimited-slip differential can give moretraction on snow, mud, ice, sand,or gravel. It works like a standard axlemost of the time, but when traction islow, this feature allows the drivewheel with the most traction to movethe vehicle. For vehicles withlimited-slip differential, driven undersevere conditions, the rear axle fluidshould be changed.See Competitive Driving Mode (FE3Only) 0 214 and Maintenance Schedule0 334.Limited-Slip Rear Axle(V-Series Only)If equipped, the ElectronicLimited-Slip Differential (eLSD) isautomatically activated. eLSD activelymonitors vehicle sensors and driverinputs to determine the amount ofchange for the conditions. With eLSD,the vehicle has:. Enhanced high-speed control.. Improved traction throughcorners, allowing moreacceleration.. More precise steering.. Increased vehicle agility.. Integration with StabiliTrak.