ONSTAR 369Using Voice Commands During aPlanned RouteFunctionality of the Voice Commandbutton may vary by vehicle andregion. For some vehicles, press = toopen the OnStar app on theinfotainment display. For othervehicles press = as follows.Cancel Route1. Press =. System responds:“OnStar ready,” then a tone.2. Say “Cancel route.” Systemresponds: “Do you want to canceldirections?”3. Say “Yes.” System responds: “Yes.OK route canceled, thank you,goodbye.”Route Preview1. Press =. System responds:“OnStar ready,” then a tone.2. Say “Route preview.” Systemresponds with the next threemaneuvers.Repeat1. Press =. System responds:“OnStar ready,” then a tone.2. Say "Repeat." System respondswith the last direction given,then responds with "Thank you,goodbye."Get My Destination1. Press =. System responds:“OnStar ready,” then a tone.2. Say “Get my destination.” Systemresponds with the address anddistance to the destination, thenresponds with “OnStar ready,”then a tone.Other Navigation Services Availablefrom OnStarDestination DownloadSubscribers can have directions sentto the vehicle’s navigation screen,if equipped.Press Q, then ask the Advisor todownload directions to the vehicle’snavigation system, if equipped. Afterthe call ends, press the Go button onthe navigation screen to begin drivingdirections. Routes that are sent to thenavigation screen can only becanceled through the navigationscreen.For information about DestinationDownload, and coverage maps, seewww.onstar.com.mx.ConnectionsThe following OnStar services helpwith staying connected.For coverage maps, seewww.onstar.com (U.S.) orwww.onstar.ca (Canada).Ensuring Security. Change the default passwords forthe Wi-Fi hotspot and myCadillacmobile app. Make these passwordsdifferent from each other and usea combination of letters, numbers,and symbols to increase thesecurity.. Change the default name of theSSID (Service Set Identifier). Thisis your network’s name that isvisible to other wireless devices.