SEATS AND RESTRAINTS 87Replacing Airbag SystemParts after a Crash{ WarningA crash can damage the airbagsystems in the vehicle. A damagedairbag system may not properlyprotect you and your passenger(s)in a crash, resulting in seriousinjury or even death. To help makesure the airbag systems are workingproperly after a crash, have theminspected and any necessaryreplacements made as soon aspossible.If an airbag inflates, you will need toreplace airbag system parts. See yourdealer for service.If the airbag readiness light stays onafter the vehicle is started or comeson when you are driving, the airbagsystem may not work properly. Havethe vehicle serviced right away. SeeAirbag Readiness Light 0 122.Child RestraintsOlder ChildrenOlder children who have outgrownbooster seats should wear the vehicle’sseat belts.The manufacturer instructions thatcome with the booster seat state theweight and height limitations for thatbooster. Use a booster seat with alap-shoulder belt until the childpasses the fit test below:. Sit all the way back on the seat.Do the knees bend at the seatedge? If yes, continue. If no, returnto the booster seat.. Buckle the lap-shoulder belt. Doesthe shoulder belt rest on theshoulder? If yes, continue. If no,try using the rear seat beltcomfort guide, if available. See“Rear Seat Belt Comfort Guides”under Lap-Shoulder Belt 0 71. If acomfort guide is not available, or ifthe shoulder belt still does not reston the shoulder, then return to thebooster seat.. Does the lap belt fit low and snugon the hips, touching the thighs?If yes, continue. If no, return tothe booster seat.. Can proper seat belt fit bemaintained for the length of thetrip? If yes, continue. If no, returnto the booster seat.