DRIVING AND OPERATING 185{ WarningIf the vehicle's tires spin at highspeed, they can explode, and you orothers could be injured. The vehiclecan overheat, causing an enginecompartment fire or other damage.Spin the wheels as little as possibleand avoid going above 56 km/h(35 mph).Rocking the Vehicle to Get it OutTurn the steering wheel left and rightto clear the area around the frontwheels. Turn off any traction system.Shift back and forth betweenR (Reverse) and a low forward gear,spinning the wheels as little aspossible. To prevent transmissionwear, wait until the wheels stopspinning before shifting gears. Releasethe accelerator pedal while shifting,and press lightly on the acceleratorpedal when the transmission is ingear. Slowly spinning the wheels inthe forward and reverse directionscauses a rocking motion that couldfree the vehicle. If that does not getthe vehicle out after a few tries, itmight need to be towed out. If thevehicle does need to be towed out, seeTowing the Vehicle 0 320.Vehicle Load LimitsIt is very important to know howmuch weight the vehicle can carry.This weight is called the vehiclecapacity weight and includes theweight of all occupants, cargo, andall nonfactory-installed options.Two labels on the vehicle mayshow how much weight it mayproperly carry: the Tire andLoading Information label and theCertification label.{ WarningDo not load the vehicle anyheavier than the Gross VehicleWeight Rating (GVWR),or either the maximum front orrear Gross Axle Weight Rating(GAWR). This can causesystems to break and change(Continued)Warning (Continued)the way the vehicle handles.This could cause loss of controland a crash. Overloading canalso reduce stopping distance,damage the tires, and shortenthe life of the vehicle.Tire and Loading InformationLabelLabel ExampleA vehicle-specific Tire andLoading Information label isattached to the vehicle's center