268 VEHICLE CARElevel is lower, add more of theproper mixture to the surge tanktop chamber until the levelreaches the bottom of thefill neck.5. Replace the surge tank pressurecap tightly and close the surgetank service port cap.6. Check the level in the surge tanktop and bottom chambers whenthe cooling system has cooleddown. If the coolant is not at theproper levels, repeat Steps 1–6 and reinstall the pressure capand close the service port. If thecoolant still is not at the properlevels when the system coolsdown again, see your dealer.CautionIf the pressure cap is not tightlyinstalled, coolant loss and enginedamage may occur. Be sure the capis properly and tightly secured.Cooling System(Intercooler)Intercooler ATS-V OnlyThe 3.6L V6 twin turbo engine (LF4)has an intercooler cooling system.The intercooler cooling system has aspecial procedure for draining andadding coolant. Because thisprocedure is difficult, see the dealerfor service if the intercooler is low oncoolant or a leak is suspected.Engine OverheatingThe vehicle has several indicators towarn of the engine overheating.There is an engine coolanttemperature gauge and an enginecoolant temperature warning light onthe instrument cluster.See Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge0 121 and Engine Coolant TemperatureWarning Light 0 129. The vehicle mayalso display a message on the DriverInformation Center (DIC).If the decision is made not to lift thehood when this warning appears, getservice help right away. See RoadsideService 0 356.If the decision is made to lift thehood, make sure the vehicle is parkedon a level surface.Then check to see if the enginecooling fan is running. If the engine isoverheating, the fan should berunning. If it is not, do not continueto run the engine. Have the vehicleserviced.CautionDo not run the engine if there is aleak in the engine cooling system.This can cause a loss of all coolantand can damage the system andvehicle. Have any leaks fixedright away.