164 CLIMATE CONTROLSdelivery modes cancels automatic airdelivery control and the direction ofthe airflow can be controlledmanually. Press AUTO to return toautomatic operation.To change the current mode, selectone of the following:Y : Air is directed to the instrumentpanel outlets.\ : Air is divided between theinstrument panel outlets and the flooroutlets.[ : Air is directed to the flooroutlets, with some air to thewindshield and side windows.- : Clears the windows of fog ormoisture. Air is directed to thewindshield, side windows, and flooroutlets. Some air may go to the rearfloor outlets.0 : Press to turn defrost on or off.This clears the windshield of fog orfrost more quickly. Air is directed tothe windshield and side windows.A/C : Press to turn the airconditioning on or off. If the fan isturned off, the air conditioner will notrun. Outside temperatures belowfreezing may also prevent the airconditioner from running.Press AUTO to return to automaticoperation and the air conditioner runsas needed. When the indicator light ison, the air conditioner runsautomatically to cool the air insidethe vehicle or to dry the air needed todefog the windshield faster.Automatic Air Recirculation : Whenthe AUTO indicator light is on, the airis automatically recirculated asneeded to help quickly cool the insideof the vehicle.@ : Press to alternate betweenrecirculating air inside the vehicle orpulling in outside air. The indicatorlight on the button is lit whenrecirculation mode is active. Thishelps to quickly cool the air inside thevehicle or reduce the outside air andodors that may enter.Pressing this button cancels automaticrecirculation. Press AUTO to return toautomatic operation; recirculationruns automatically as needed.Manual recirculation mode is notavailable when in Defrost or Defogmodes.Auto Defog : The climate controlsystem may have a sensor toautomatically detect high humidityinside the vehicle. When highhumidity is detected, the climatecontrol system may adjust to outsideair supply and turn on the airconditioner. If the climate controlsystem does not detect possiblewindow fogging, it returns to normaloperation. To turn Auto Defog off oron, see “Climate and Air Quality”under Vehicle Personalization 0 140.Rear Window DefoggerK : Press to turn the rear windowdefogger on or off. An indicator lighton the button comes on to show thatthe rear window defogger is on. Therear window defogger only workswhen the engine is running.The rear window defogger turns offautomatically after about 15 minutes.At higher vehicle speeds, the rearwindow defogger may stay oncontinuously.