ONSTAR 375OnStar Hands-Free Calling name tags,saved navigation destinations,or pre-set radio stations. NeitherOnStar nor GM is responsible for anyaffected or erased data or settings.These updates or changes may alsocollect personal information. Suchcollection is described in the OnStarprivacy statement or separatelydisclosed at the time of installation.These updates or changes may alsocause a system to automaticallycommunicate with GM servers tocollect information about vehiclesystem status, identify whetherupdates or changes are available,or deliver updates or changes. Anactive OnStar agreement constitutesconsent to these software updates orchanges and agreement that eitherOnStar or GM may remotely deliverthem to the vehicle.PrivacyThe complete OnStar PrivacyStatement may be found atwww.onstar.com (U.S.),or www.onstar.ca (Canada). Werecommend that you review it. If youhave any questions, call1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827) orpress Q to speak with an Advisor.Users of wireless communications arecautioned that the privacy of anyinformation sent via wireless cellularcommunications cannot be assured.Third parties may unlawfully interceptor access transmissions and privatecommunications without consent.OnStar - SoftwareAcknowledgementsCertain OnStar components includelibcurl and unzip software and otherthird party software. Below are thenotices and licenses associated withlibcurl and unzip and for other thirdparty software please see http://opensource.lge.com/indexwww.onstar.com/us/en/libcurl:COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSIONNOTICECopyright (c) 1996 - 2010, DanielStenberg, .All rights reserved.Permission to use, copy, modify, anddistribute this software for anypurpose with or without fee is herebygranted, provided that the abovecopyright notice and this permissionnotice appear in all copies.THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “ASIS,” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANYKIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TOTHE WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE ANDNONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRDPARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALLTHE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHTHOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANYCLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHERLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTIONOF CONTRACT, TORT OROTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUTOF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHERDEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.Except as contained in this notice, thename of a copyright holder shall notbe used in advertising or otherwise topromote the sale, use or other