236 DRIVING AND OPERATINGSide Blind ZoneAlert (SBZA)If equipped, the SBZA system is alane-changing aid that assists driverswith avoiding crashes that occur withmoving vehicles in the side blind zone(or spot) areas. When the vehicle is ina forward gear, the left or right sidemirror display will light up if a movingvehicle is detected in that blind zone.If the turn signal is activated and avehicle is also detected on the sameside, the display will flash as an extrawarning not to change lanes. Sincethis system is part of the Lane ChangeAlert (LCA) system, read the entireLCA section before using this feature.Lane Change Alert (LCA)If equipped, the LCA system is alane-changing aid that assists driverswith avoiding lane change crashesthat occur with moving vehicles in theside blind zone (or spot) areas or withvehicles rapidly approaching theseareas from behind. The LCA warningdisplay will light up in thecorresponding outside side mirror andwill flash if the turn signal is on.{ WarningLCA does not alert the driver tovehicles outside of the systemdetection zones, pedestrians,bicyclists, or animals. It may notprovide alerts when changing lanesunder all driving conditions. Failureto use proper care when changinglanes may result in injury, death,or vehicle damage. Before making alane change, always check mirrors,glance over your shoulder, and usethe turn signals.LCA Detection Zones1. SBZA Detection Zone2. LCA Detection ZoneThe LCA sensor covers a zone ofapproximately one lane over fromboth sides of the vehicle, or 3.5 m(11 ft). The height of the zone isapproximately between 0.5 m (1.5 ft)and 2 m (6 ft) off the ground. The SideBlind Zone Alert (SBZA) warning areastarts at approximately the middle ofthe vehicle and goes back 5 m (16 ft).Drivers are also warned of vehiclesrapidly approaching from up to 25 m(82 ft) behind the vehicle.How the System WorksThe LCA symbol lights up in the sidemirrors when the system detects amoving vehicle in the next lane overthat is in the side blind zone orrapidly approaching that zone frombehind. A lit LCA symbol indicates itmay be unsafe to change lanes. Beforemaking a lane change, check the LCAdisplay, check mirrors, glance overyour shoulder, and use the turnsignals.