74 SEATS AND RESTRAINTSthe fetus will not be hurt in a crash.For pregnant women, as for anyone,the key to making seat belts effectiveis wearing them properly.Seat Belt ExtenderIf the vehicle's seat belt will fastenaround you, you should use it.But if a seat belt is not long enough,your dealer will order you an extender.When you go in to order it, take theheaviest coat you will wear, so theextender will be long enough for you.To help avoid personal injury, do notlet someone else use it, and use itonly for the seat it is made to fit. Theextender has been designed for adults.Never use it for securing childrestraints. For more information onthe proper use and fit of seat beltextenders see the instruction sheetthat comes with the extender.Safety System CheckPeriodically check the seat beltreminder, seat belts, buckles, latchplates, retractors, shoulder belt heightadjusters (if equipped), and seat beltanchorages to make sure they are allin working order. Look for any otherloose or damaged seat belt systemparts that might keep a seat beltsystem from performing properly. Seeyour dealer to have it repaired. Tornor frayed seat belts may not protectyou in a crash. They can rip apartunder impact forces. If a belt is tornor frayed, have it replacedimmediately.Make sure the seat belt reminder lightis working. See Seat Belt Reminders0 122.Keep seat belts clean and dry. See SeatBelt Care 0 74.Seat Belt CareKeep belts clean and dry.{ WarningDo not bleach or dye seat beltwebbing. It may severely weakenthe webbing. In a crash, they mightnot be able to provide adequateprotection. Clean and rinse seat belt(Continued)Warning (Continued)webbing only with mild soap andlukewarm water. Allow the webbingto dry.Seat belts should be properly cared forand maintained.Seat belt hardware should be kept dryand free of dust or debris. Asnecessary exterior hard surfaces andseat belt webbing may be lightlycleaned with mild soap and water.Ensure there is not excessive dust ordebris in the mechanism. If dust ordebris exists in the system please seethe dealer. Parts may need to bereplaced to ensure properfunctionality of the system.