ONSTAR 373Navigation, and Hands-Free Callingare available on most vehicles. Not allOnStar services are availableeverywhere or on all vehicles. Formore information, a full description ofOnStar services, system limitations,and OnStar User Terms, PrivacyStatement, and Software Terms:. Call 1-888-4ONSTAR(1-888-466-7827).. See www.onstar.com (U.S.).. See www.onstar.ca (Canada).. Call TTY 1-877-248-2080.. Press Q to speak with an Advisor.OnStar services cannot work unlessthe vehicle is in a place where OnStarhas an agreement with a wirelessservice provider for service in thatarea. The wireless service providermust also have coverage, networkcapacity, reception, and technologycompatible with OnStar services.Service involving location informationabout the vehicle cannot work unlessGPS signals are available,unobstructed, and compatible withthe OnStar hardware. OnStar servicesmay not work if the OnStar equipmentis not properly installed or it has notbeen properly maintained.If equipment or software is added,connected, or modified, OnStarservices may not work. Otherproblems beyond the control ofOnStar — such as hills, tall buildings,tunnels, weather, electrical systemdesign and architecture of the vehicle,damage to the vehicle in a crash,or wireless phone network congestionor jamming — may prevent service.See Radio Frequency Statement 0 362.Services for People withDisabilitiesAdvisors provide services to help withphysical disabilities and medicalconditions.Press Q to help:. Locate a gas station with anattendant to pump gas.. Find a hotel, restaurant, etc., thatmeets accessibility needs.. Provide directions to the closesthospital or pharmacy in urgentsituations.TTY UsersOnStar has the ability to communicateto deaf, hard-of-hearing,or speech-impaired customers while inthe vehicle. The availabledealer-installed TTY system canprovide in-vehicle access to all OnStarservices, except Virtual Advisor andOnStar Turn-by-Turn Navigation.OnStar Personal IdentificationNumber (PIN)A PIN is needed to access someOnStar services. The PIN will need tobe changed the first time whenspeaking with an Advisor. To changethe OnStar PIN, contact an OnStarAdvisor by pressing Q or calling1-888-4ONSTAR.WarrantyOnStar equipment may be warrantedas part of the vehicle warranty.LanguagesThe vehicle can be programmed torespond in multiple languages.Press Q and ask for an Advisor.