298 VEHICLE CAREinflation pressure label, you shoulddetermine the proper tire inflationpressure for those tires.)As an added safety feature, yourvehicle has been equipped with a tirepressure monitoring system (TPMS)that illuminates a low tire pressuretelltale when one or more of your tiresis significantly under-inflated.Accordingly, when the low tirepressure telltale illuminates, youshould stop and check your tires assoon as possible, and inflate them tothe proper pressure. Driving on asignificantly under-inflated tire causesthe tire to overheat and can lead totire failure. Under-inflation alsoreduces fuel efficiency and tire treadlife, and may affect the vehicle'shandling and stopping ability.Please note that the TPMS is not asubstitute for proper tire maintenance,and it is the driver's responsibility tomaintain correct tire pressure, even ifunder-inflation has not reached thelevel to trigger illumination of theTPMS low tire pressure telltale.Your vehicle has also been equippedwith a TPMS malfunction indicator toindicate when the system is notoperating properly. The TPMSmalfunction indicator is combinedwith the low tire pressure telltale.When the system detects amalfunction, the telltale will flash forapproximately one minute and thenremain continuously illuminated. Thissequence will continue uponsubsequent vehicle start-ups as longas the malfunction exists.When the malfunction indicator isilluminated, the system may not beable to detect or signal low tirepressure as intended. TPMSmalfunctions may occur for a varietyof reasons, including the installationof replacement or alternate tires orwheels on the vehicle that prevent theTPMS from functioning properly.Always check the TPMS malfunctiontelltale after replacing one or moretires or wheels on your vehicle toensure that the replacement oralternate tires and wheels allow theTPMS to continue to functionproperly.See Tire Pressure Monitor Operation0 298.See Radio Frequency Statement 0 362.Tire Pressure MonitorOperationThis vehicle may have a Tire PressureMonitor System (TPMS). The TPMS isdesigned to warn the driver when alow tire pressure condition exists.TPMS sensors are mounted onto eachtire and wheel assembly, excluding thespare tire and wheel assembly. TheTPMS sensors monitor the airpressure in the tires and transmit thetire pressure readings to a receiverlocated in the vehicle.When a low tire pressure condition isdetected, the TPMS illuminates thelow tire pressure warning light on theinstrument cluster. If the warninglight comes on, stop as soon as