176 DRIVING AND OPERATINGSteeringVariable Effort SteeringThe vehicle has a steering system thatvaries the amount of effort required tosteer the vehicle in relation to thespeed of the vehicle.The amount of steering effort requiredis less at slower speeds to make thevehicle more maneuverable and easierto park. At faster speeds, the steeringeffort increases to provide a sport-likefeel to the steering. This providesmaximum control and stability.Electric Power SteeringThe vehicle has electric powersteering. It does not have powersteering fluid. Regular maintenance isnot required.If power steering assist is lost due to asystem malfunction, the vehicle canbe steered, but may require increasedeffort. See your dealer if there is aproblem.If the steering wheel is turned until itreaches the end of its travel and isheld against that position for anextended period of time, powersteering assist may be reduced.If the steering assist is used for anextended period of time while thevehicle is not moving, power assistmay be reduced.Normal use of the power steeringassist should return when the systemcools down.See your dealer if there is a problem.Curve Tips. Take curves at a reasonable speed.. Reduce speed before entering acurve.. Maintain a reasonable steadyspeed through the curve.. Wait until the vehicle is out of thecurve before accelerating gentlyinto the straightaway.Steering in Emergencies. There are some situations whensteering around a problem may bemore effective than braking.. Holding both sides of the steeringwheel allows you to turn180 degrees without removinga hand.. Antilock Brake System (ABS)allows steering while braking.Off-Road RecoveryThe vehicle's right wheels can drop offthe edge of a road onto the shoulderwhile driving. Follow these tips:1. Ease off the accelerator and then,if there is nothing in the way,steer the vehicle so that itstraddles the edge of thepavement.