248 DRIVING AND OPERATINGTrailer BrakesDoes the trailer have its own brakes?State and local regulations mayrequire the trailer to have its ownbraking system if loaded above acertain threshold. Trailer brakerequirements vary from state to state.Be sure to read and follow theinstructions for the trailer brakes sothey are installed, adjusted, andmaintained properly.Because the vehicle has antilockbrakes, do not tap into the vehicle'sbrake system. If this is done, bothbrake systems will not work well orat allTowing Equipment (SedanWith L4 Engine, Coupe, andV-Series)The vehicle is neither designed norintended to tow a trailer.Conversions andAdd-OnsAdd-On ElectricalEquipment{ WarningThe Data Link Connector (DLC) isused for vehicle service andEmission Inspection/Maintenancetesting. See Malfunction IndicatorLamp (Check Engine Light) 0 124.A device connected to the DLC —such as an aftermarket fleet ordriver-behavior tracking device —may interfere with vehicle systems.This could affect vehicle operationand cause a crash. Such devicesmay also access information storedin the vehicle’s systems.CautionSome electrical equipment candamage the vehicle or causecomponents to not work and wouldnot be covered by the vehiclewarranty. Always check with yourdealer before adding electricalequipment.Add-on equipment can drain thevehicle's 12-volt battery, even if thevehicle is not operating.The vehicle has an airbag system.Before attempting to add anythingelectrical to the vehicle, see Servicingthe Airbag-Equipped Vehicle 0 85 andAdding Equipment to theAirbag-Equipped Vehicle 0 86.