94 SEATS AND RESTRAINTSWherever a child restraint is installed,be sure to follow the instructions thatcame with the child restraint systemand secure the child restraint systemproperly.Keep in mind that an unsecured childrestraint can move around in acollision or sudden stop and injurepeople in the vehicle. Be sure toproperly secure any child restraint inthe vehicle — even when no child isin it.Lower Anchors andTethers for Children(LATCH System)The LATCH system secures a childrestraint during driving or in a crash.LATCH attachments on the childrestraint are used to attach the childrestraint to the anchors in the vehicle.The LATCH system is designed tomake installation of a child restrainteasier.In order to use the LATCH system inyour vehicle, you need a childrestraint that has LATCHattachments. LATCH-compatiblerear-facing and forward-facing childseats can be properly installed usingeither the LATCH anchors or thevehicle’s seat belts. Do not use boththe seat belts and the LATCHanchorage system to secure arear-facing or forward-facingchild seat.Booster seats use the vehicle’s seatbelts to secure the child and thebooster seat. If the manufacturerrecommends that the booster seat besecured with the LATCH system, thiscan be done as long as the boosterseat can be positioned properly andthere is no interference with theproper positioning of the lap-shoulderbelt on the child.Make sure to follow the instructionsthat came with the child restraint, andalso the instructions in this manual.When installing a child restraint witha top tether, you must also use eitherthe lower anchors or the seat belts toproperly secure the child restraint.A child restraint must never beinstalled using only the top tether andanchor.The LATCH anchorage system can beused until the combined weight of thechild plus the child restraint is29.5 kg (65 lbs). Use the seat belt aloneinstead of the LATCH anchoragesystem once the combined weight ismore than 29.5 kg (65 lbs).See Securing Child Restraints (With theSeat Belt in the Rear Seat) 0 100 orSecuring Child Restraints (With the SeatBelt in the Front Seat) 0 102.Child restraints built after March 2014will be labeled with the specific childweight up to which the LATCH systemcan be used to install the restraint.The following explains how to attacha child restraint with theseattachments in the vehicle.Not all vehicle seating positions havelower anchors. In this case, the seatbelt must be used (with top tetherwhere available) to secure the childrestraint.See Securing Child Restraints (With theSeat Belt in the Rear Seat) 0 100 orSecuring Child Restraints (With the SeatBelt in the Front Seat) 0 102.