224 DRIVING AND OPERATINGwill pulse five times. See “Collision/Detection Systems” under VehiclePersonalization 0 140.See Defensive Driving 0 175.Approaching and Following aVehicleThe vehicle ahead indicator is in theinstrument cluster and HUD display.The vehicle ahead indicator onlydisplays when a vehicle is detected inyour vehicle’s path moving in thesame direction.If this indicator is not displaying, ACCwill not respond to or brake tovehicles ahead.ACC automatically slows the vehicledown and adjusts vehicle speed tofollow the vehicle in front at theselected follow gap. The vehicle speedincreases or decreases to follow thevehicle in front of you, but will notexceed the set speed. It may applylimited braking, if necessary. Whenbraking is active, the brake lamps willcome on. The automatic braking mayfeel or sound different than if thebrakes were applied manually. This isnormal.Stationary or Very Slow-MovingObjects{ WarningACC may not detect and react tostopped or slow-moving vehiclesahead of you. For example, thesystem may not brake for a vehicleit has never detected moving. Thiscan occur in stop-and-go traffic orwhen a vehicle suddenly appearsdue to a vehicle ahead changinglanes. Your vehicle may not stopand could cause a crash. Usecaution when using ACC. Yourcomplete attention is alwaysrequired while driving and youshould be ready to take action andapply the brakes.ACC Automatically DisengagesACC may automatically disengage andthe driver will need to manually applythe brakes to slow the vehicle if:. The sensors are blocked.. The Traction Control System (TCS)or StabiliTrak system has activatedor been disabled.. There is a fault in the system.. The radar falsely reports ablockage when driving in a desertor remote area with no othervehicles or roadside objects. A DICmessage may display to indicatethat ACC is temporarilyunavailable.The ACC active symbol will turn whitewhen ACC is no longer active.Notification to Resume ACCACC will maintain a follow gap behinda detected vehicle and slow yourvehicle to a stop behind that vehicle.If the stopped vehicle ahead hasdriven away and ACC has notresumed, the vehicle ahead indicatorwill flash as a reminder to checktraffic before proceeding. In addition,