VEHICLE CARE 321Due to low ramp angles on theV-Series only, use care when loadingthe vehicle onto a flatbed carrier.Front spring spacers were provided forlifting the front suspension if moreclearance is necessary when towing.Consult your dealer or a professionaltowing service if the disabled vehiclemust be towed.Front Tow EyeCautionImproper use of the tow eye cancause vehicle damage. Use cautionand low speeds to prevent damageto the vehicle.If the vehicle is equipped with toweye, only use the tow eye to pull thevehicle onto a flatbed car carrier froma flat road surface. Do not use the toweye to pull the vehicle from snow,mud or sand. The tow eye is locatedunderneath the load floor, near thespare tire or the compressor kit,if equipped.Carefully open the cover in the fasciaby using the small notch that concealsthe tow eye socket.Install the tow eye into the socket andturn it until it is fully tightened. Whenthe tow eye is removed, reinstall thecover with the notch in the originalposition.Recreational VehicleTowingRecreational vehicle towing meanstowing the vehicle behind anothervehicle, such as behind a motorhome.The two most common types ofrecreational vehicle towing are knownas dinghy towing and dolly towing.Dinghy towing is towing the vehiclewith all four wheels on the ground.Dolly towing is towing the vehiclewith two wheels on the ground andtwo wheels up on a device known as adolly.