Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QuadSPI)MPC5606S Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 7Freescale Semiconductor 103730. PCS to SCK Delay (tCSC)The PCS to SCK delay is the length of time from assertion of the PCS signal to the first SCK edge. SeeFigure 30-27 and Figure 30-28 for an illustration of the PCS to SCK delay. The PCSSCK and CSSCKfields in the QSPI_CTARx registers select the PCS to SCK delay by the formula in the CSSCK[0:3] bitdescription. Table 30-39 shows an example of how to compute the PCS to SCK delay. After SCK Delay (tASC)The After SCK Delay is the length of time between the last edge of SCK and the negation of PCS. SeeFigure 30-35 for illustrations of the After SCK delay. The PASC and ASC fields in the QSPI_CTARxregisters select the After SCK Delay by the formula in the ASC[0:3] field description. Table 30-40 showsan example of how to compute the After SCK delay. Delay after Transfer (tDT)The Delay after Transfer is the length of time between negation of the PCS signal for a frame and theassertion of the PCS signal for the next frame. See Figure 30-27 for an illustration of the Delay afterTransfer. The PDT and DT fields in the QSPI_CTARx registers select the Delay after Transfer by theformula in the DT[0:3] field description. Table 30-41 shows an example of how to compute the Delay afterTransfer.When in non-continuous clock mode the TDT delay can be configured as outlined in the QSPI_CTARxregisters. When in continuous clock mode the delay is fixed at 1 SCK period.Table 30-38. Baud Rate Computation ExamplePBR Prescaler BR Scaler DBR Fsys Baud Rate0b00 2 0b0000 2 0 100 MHz 25 Mb/s0b00 2 0b0000 2 1 20 MHz 10 Mb/sTable 30-39. PCS to SCK Delay Computation ExamplePCSSCK Prescaler CSSCK Scaler Fsys PCS to SCK Delay0b01 3 0b0100 32 100 MHz 0.96 sTable 30-40. After SCK Delay Computation ExamplePASC Prescaler ASC Scaler Fsys After SCK Delay0b01 3 0b0100 32 100 MHz 0.96 sTable 30-41. Delay after Transfer Computation ExamplePDT Prescaler DT Scaler Fsys Delay after Transfer0b01 3 0b1110 32768 100 MHz 0.98 ms