Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)MPC5606S Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 7Freescale Semiconductor 1455.4.2.2 Main Status Register (MSR)The Main Status Register (MSR) provides status bits for the ADC.24ABORTCHAINAbort ChainWhen this bit is set, the ongoing Chain Conversion is aborted. This bit is reset by hardware as soonas a new conversion is requested.0 Conversion is not affected.1 Aborts the ongoing chain conversion.25ABORTAbort ConversionWhen this bit is set, the ongoing conversion is aborted and a new conversion is invoked. This bit isreset by hardware as soon as a new conversion is invoked.0 Conversion is not affected.1 Aborts the ongoing conversion.Note: If the abort pulse is valid in the last cycle of the SAMPLE phase, the current channel iscorrectly aborted but the data register (CDR[0..15]) of the next channel conversion showsan invalid value.26ACKOAuto-clock-off enableIf set, this bit enables the Auto clock off feature.0 Auto clock off disabled.1 Auto clock off enabled.27–28 ReservedMust be kept at 0.29–30 ReservedA write of any value has no effect. The read value is always 0.31PWDNPower-down enableWhen this bit is set, the analog module is requested to enter Power Down mode. When ADC statusis PWDN, resetting this bit starts ADC transition to Idle mode.0 ADC is in normal mode.1 ADC has been requested to power down.Table 5-7. MCR field descriptions (continued)Field Description