117Programming Operations GuideChapter 4Managing system and user security access levelsThis section provides information about how you can set up and maintain the access security toyour system by users and client applications.To define security parameters for the system and for users, you need to consider what level ofsecurity you need to achieve to meet your network security standard. Note that the default securitysettings are not set to their maximum secure settings and can be changed to suit your specificrequirements. If you change the default settings, ensure that you understand the interoperabilityimplications between your system and client applications, the computer you use to access thesystem, and network impacts. For instance, some levels of security are not compatible with clientsrunning Windows© 95©, 98 ©, or ME ©.Unified Manager security considerations include:• How long you want the Unified Manager to remain open if there is no input from the user.Refer to “Setting the interface timeout” on page 118.• If you want to use secure web access to Unified Manager through SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).Note that SSL encryption does not secure the Configuration Menu. To secure communicationwith the Configuration Menu, a VPN client connection is required. Refer to “Setting systemsecurity compatibility levels” on page 119 and “Virtual Private Networks (VPN)” on page 753.• How much access to the Unified Manager interface users are allowed. Access is based on userprivileges defined through user group membership.There are two default administratoraccounts, ee_admin and supervisor, which both also have default dial-in access privileges.Refer to “Managing access passwords” on page 121. This section also contains informationabout determining password and lockout policies.!Security note: This symbol will be used throughout this section to indicate areas ofpossible security concern, primarily in regard to default settings that could pose a securityrisk if they are not changed.!Security note: Minimum configuration should include changing all default systempasswords.!