Defining trunk module types and settings 145Programming Operations GuideProtocol NI-2, DMS100,DMS250,AT&T4ESS, SL-1,Euro, ETSI Q-Sig PRIChoose the trunk protocol used by your service provider.The supported protocols are:PRI-T1: NI-2, DMS100, DMS250, AT&T4ESS, SL-1PRI-E1: ETSI QSIG, Euro, SL-1Note: SL-1 and ETSI QSIG require an MCDN keycode to display.BRI: Protocol can also be selected on BRI T-loops under the Services/Telephony/Loopsheading.Note: Always check the line protocol with the central office.Protocol type User, Network PRIWhen you select SL-1 protocol, an additional setting, Protocol type, appears.SL-1 protocol is a private networking protocol. This allows you to designate a BusinessCommunications Manager node as a Network (Master). The default setting is User (Slave).In public network configurations, the CO is generally considered the Network side orMaster.Applies to SL-1 protocol only.NSFExtensionNone, WATS, ALL PRIThe Network Specific Facilities (NSF) information element is used to request a particularservice from the network. Settings are based on the type of switch to which the lineconnects.Suggested settings:DMS100/250: NONESiemens ESWD, Lucent 5ESS: WATSGTD5, DMS10: ALLWhen you select NONE, the NSF extension bit is not set for any service.When you select WATS, the NSF extension bit is set for unbanded OUTWATS calls.When you select ALL, the NSF extension is always set for all CbC services.Appears only for NI-2 protocol.B-channelselectionsequenceAscendingSequentialDescendingSequential PRIDefines how B-channel resources are selected for call processing. For more information,see “PRI B-channel provisioning” on page 154.Table 12 Module record values (Continued)Attribute Value Module/line type