Configuring restriction service 499Programming Operations GuideConfiguring restriction serviceRestriction service prevents a user from dialing some types of calls from a telephone or from linesthat are available at the telephone during the duration of the selected schedule. The installerprograms restrictions.Use these commands to indicate how the alternate dialing restrictions become active for eachschedule.1 Ensure the correct scheduling has been set up for each telephone. (Services, TelephonyServices, System DNs, Active DNs, DN XXXX, Restrictions)2 Click the keys beside Services, Telephony Services, Scheduled services, andRestriction service.3 Select the schedule you want to program, (for example, Night).The schedule window appears.Figure 175 Defining restriction service setting4 The following table shows the possible settings for each schedule day.Aux ringer Y or N This variable indicates whether the auxiliary ringer (if installed) also ringswhen Ringing service is on.TIPS:• The default ringing telephone is 221 (Start DN). This means that all linesring at telephone 221 when Ringing service is on.• You can copy Ringing set and Auxiliary ringer programming from one lineto another.• If you have an auxiliary ringer programmed to ring for calls on an externalline and you transfer a call on that line without announcing the transfer, theauxiliary ringer will ring for the call transfer.Table 108 Ringing group schedule line values (Continued)Attribute Value Description