DN mapping for digital telephones 369Programming Operations GuideDN chart for new 3.0 or newer systemsIf your system is a brand new BCM 3.0 or newer system, the DN numbering is consecutive fromDS30 02 to 07.New BCM 3.0 or newer systemsModulelocationDS30bus #4 OffsetModule type(SD = single density; FDD = full double density; PDD = Partial double density)CustomizedDNs1DSM16 orDSM 16+PDDDSM16+FDDDSM 32 or DSM32+PDD(First 16 DNs foreach DS30)(offset 0)DSM 32+FDD ASM82020123221-2361 221-236 or237-252221-236and253-268221-252 221-228229-236237-244245-252030123253-268 253-268 or269-284253-268and285-300253-284 253-260261-268269-275276-284040123285-300 285-300 or301-316285-300and317-332285-316 285-292293-300301-308309-316050123317-332 317-332 or333-348317-332and349-364317-348 317-324325-332333-340341-348060123349-364 349-364 or365-380349-364and381-396349-380 349-356357-364365-372373-380(PDD offset1 and 2, only.365-380 appearunder B2sheading)0730123381-396 381-396 or397-412381-412 381-388389-396397-404405-412(PDD offset1 and 2, only.397-412 appearunder B2sheading)1 DNs are based on the default, three-digit DN. If your system has another numbering system, make a note of yourDN ranges in the Custom DN column.2 ASM 8 modules do not have special double density settings. However, on a PDD system, on DS30 06 and 07, onlyoffset 0 and 1 are available.3 If you system is set to a 3/5 DS30 split, these DNs are not available to digital telephones.4 Each Bus has 32 ports, numbers 0XX (for example: 0201 is the first port on Bus #2). Ports are assignedsequentially to each DN number. However, if you change the DN number, the port number remains the same.