590 Monitoring Hunt groupsN0008589 3.3Using Silent MonitorYou can set up a number of two-line telephones on your system to use as supervisory telephones tomonitor active hunt group calls from external numbers.Only telephones that have been designated as monitoring devices have access to theFEATURE *550 code, which activates the monitoring session. Once the session is established, anumber of display key prompts allows the supervisor to silently monitor the call, or break into thecall to provide support or instruction. Refer to “Defining device capabilities” on page 417 forinformation about designating two-line display telephones as supervisor telephones.Refer to the Telephony Features Handbook for a detailed description of the monitoring processand the display prompts.Monitoring with IP telephones: On calls over an VoIP trunk, where both the Hunt group call andthe monitoring call are from IP telephones (full IP domain calls), the agent will hear a click whensupervisor starts and ends monitor session.! Security Note: Change the password regularly.