400N0008589 3.3The Unified Manager navigation tree allows you to refine details about individual telephones. Youcan also use these DN records instead of the Add Users Wizard (“Configuring DNs using theWizards” on page 381) to configure telephones. For general information about the DN headingsand how to decide which records you need to use, and how to alter the number, refer to theinformation under “Configuring DN records, an overview” on page 365.Note: This section discusses telephone DNs in terms of a default Start DN of 221, and aDN length equal to 3. These values are defined during system startup.However, you can specify a different DN length or change the DN number ranges, depending onyour system requirements. Note that changes to these settings, have a wide-ranging affect on yoursystem and should be done before you do any other system programming. Refer to “RenumberingDNs” on page 378 and “Defining DN length” on page 294.The figure below shows an overview of the top two levels of the System DNs headings. The DNrecords shown under the second-level headings are similar in structure, as shown in the secondfigure below, which shows a detailed view of the information under the DNs (DNxxx) headings.For a detailed explanation of the second-level DN headings.Figure 124 First and second-level System DNs headings and featuresSystem DNsActive set DNsDN XXX-XXXGeneralLine AccessCapabilitiesUser PreferencesRestrictionsTelco FeaturesActive Companion DNsActive application DNsSystem DNs ...Inactive DNsSet DNsCompanion DNsAll Inactive DNsAll ISDN/DECT DNsAll System DNsDN RegistrationActive DNs reg’dInactive DNs reg’dAll DNs reg’dDNs avail for reg’dIP set DNs reg’dSystem DNs ...DN Registration ...Voice port DNs reg’dActiveInactiveIP wireless DNs reg’dActiveInactiveCTE media DNs reg’dActiveInactiveOAM DN reg’d