166 Configuring the DDI Mux moduleN0008589 3.35 Click the Trunk/line data heading.6 Click the Trunk type drop list and then click Fixed data channel.7 Repeat steps 5 to 7 for each line you want to assign to the Data Module.Assigning the line1 Click the Resources key and then the Media Bay Modules key.2 Click the key beside the Bus number assigned to the Data Module.In this release of Business Communications Manager, the Data Module is always Bus 08.3 Click the Data module key and click the Interfaces key.4 Click the key beside the Interface to which you want to add a line. For example, click the keybeside Interface 02.5 Click the Line assignment heading below you Interface to which you are adding lines.6 Click the Add button.The Add Fixed line assignment dialog box appears.7 In the Line box, enter the line number of one of the lines assigned to the Data Module.8 Click the Save button.9 If you are adding all of the lines to a single Interface, repeat steps 6 to 8 for each line you wantto assign to the Data Module.If you are adding the lines to multiple Interfaces, repeat steps 4 to 8 for each line you want toassign to the Data Module.Removing a line assignmentIf you decide you want to remove a line assignment from the Data Module and use it as atelephony line, use the procedure below:Removing the line1 Click the Resources key and click the Media Bay Modules key.2 Click the key beside the Bus number assigned to the Data Module.3 Click the Data module key and click the Interfaces key.4 Click the key beside the Interface number from which you want to remove the line assignment.Note: You can add all of the lines to the single Interface, or you can the lines tomultiple interfaces.Note: You can assign up to 24 lines to the DDI Mux.You can assign only Fixed lines.