5.3 Sequence I/O Signals5.3.2 Output Signals5-175 Setup/BUSY (Busy Output) SignalThis signal indicates that the Servomotor is performing a positioning operation, pressing opera-tion, or other operation.Note: Use PnBD1 = n.X (/BUSY (Busy Output) Signal Allocation) to allocate the /BUSY signal to another con-nector pin. Refer to the following section for details.5.3.4 Allocating Output Signals to Pins and Parameter Settings on page 5-20/PAREA (Program-Specified Area) SignalThis signal is output when the current value of the Servomotor is between two positions (calledAREA1 and AREA2) of the program table. The area output setting range changes for each pro-gram table in operation.Note: Use PnBD3 = n.X (/PAREA (Program-Specified Area Output) Signal Allocation) to allocate the /PAREAsignal to another connector pin. Refer to the following section for details.5.3.4 Allocating Output Signals to Pins and Parameter Settings on page 5-20/S-ONS (SERVO ON Status Output) SignalThis signal indicates whether the SERVOPACK is in the SERVO ON or SERVO OFF state.Note: Use PnBD4 = n.X (/S-ONS (SERVO ON Status Output) Signal Allocation) to allocate the /S-ONS signalto another connector pin. Refer to the following section for details.5.3.4 Allocating Output Signals to Pins and Parameter Settings on page 5-20E-STPS (Emergency Stop Status Output) SignalThe signal indicates when an emergency stop is in effect.Note: Use PnBD5 = n.X (E-STPS (Emergency Stop Status Output) Signal Allocation) to allocate the E-STPSsignal to another connector pin. Refer to the following section for details.5.3.4 Allocating Output Signals to Pins and Parameter Settings on page 5-20/PCO (Encoder Origin) SignalThis signal is output when the encoder origin is passed. One pulse is output for each Servomo-tor rotation.Note: 1. Use the /PCO signal on the rising edge.2. Use PnBD0 = n.X (/PCO (Encoder Origin Output) Signal Allocation) to allocate the /PCO signal toanother connector pin. Refer to the following section for details.5.3.4 Allocating Output Signals to Pins and Parameter Settings on page 5-20Type Signal Pin Signal Status MeaningOutput /BUSY 27 [default setting] ON (closed) The Servomotor is operating.OFF (open) The Servomotor is stopped.Type Signal Pin Signal Status MeaningOutput /PAREA 29 [default setting]ON (closed)The current value of the Servomotor isbetween AREA1 and AREA2 of the programtable.OFF (open)The current value of the Servomotor is notbetween AREA1 and AREA2 of the programtable.Type Signal Pin Signal Status MeaningOutput /S-ONS 30 [default setting] ON (closed) SERVO ONOFF (open) SERVO OFFType Signal Pin Signal Status MeaningOutput E-STPS 31 [default setting] ON (closed) The emergency stop was cleared.OFF (open) An emergency stop is in effect.Type Signal Pin Signal Status MeaningOutput /PCO 26 [default setting] ON (closed) Encoder origin.OFF (open) Not encoder origin.