8.8 Manual Tuning8.8.2 Feedforward8-418 Tuning8.8.2 FeedforwardThe feedforward function applies feedforward compensation to shorten the positioning time.Note: If you set the feedforward value too high, the machine may vibrate. As a guideline, use a setting of 80% orless.8.8.3 Mode Switching (Changing between Proportional and PIControl)You can use mode switching to automatically change between proportional control and PI con-trol.Overshooting caused by acceleration and deceleration can be suppressed and the settling timecan be reduced by setting the switching condition and switching levels. Related ParametersSelect the switching condition for mode switching with Pn10B = n.X.Pn109FeedforwardSetting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification0 to 100 1% 0 Immediately TuningPn10AFeedforward Filter Time ConstantSetting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification0 to 6,400 0.01 ms 0 Immediately TuningFeedback pulses+ + +-Position loop gain (Kp)Pn109 Pn10ADifferential Feedforward Feedforward FilterTime ConstantSpeed Speed patternTimeMovementreferenceProgram tableInputSignalsTimeInput patternInputParameter Mode Switching Selection Parameter ThatSets the LevelWhenEnabled ClassificationPn10Bn.0[default setting]Use the internal torque refer-ence as the condition. Pn10CImmediately Setupn.1 Use the speed reference as thecondition. Pn10Dn.2 Use the acceleration referenceas the condition. Pn10En.3 Use the position deviation asthe condition. Pn10Fn.4 Do not use mode switching. -Without Mode Switching With Mode SwitchingMotorspeed Overshooting Actual ServomotoroperationReferenceTimeSettling timeOvershootingMotorspeedSettling time Time